Thursday 31 March 2011

Te Aroha

Hi avid blog readers and occasional stalkers :)

Got a bit of time to kill so I thought I'd give y'all a run down of the last few weeks. I last wrote on paddy's day - just after i'd written I got a phonecall from my current employer asking me to come in for an interview, where he offered me the job (woop-de-woop).

After that I got back to find Jessi (who had been going on about paddy's day for ages, bloody irish) pretty mashed already after consuming about a 1/3 of a bottle of tequila and a full bottle of lindauer. Bad move. We didn't end up going out for paddys day. But I DID do a lot of drunk texting/phonecalling and we might have almost got kicked out of our dorm room. Bad times. But fun was had by all.

Next day we drove up to Auckland (joined by Simon), and stopped off in Rotorua again. Very uneventful as I think we were all tired/hungover. Then on to Auckland. Almost ran out of petrol on a very long country road on a very hot day. Scary but we avoided it.

Auckland was a painful few days. Stayed in the worst hostel in the world - management was awful and the cleaners clearly didn't know the meaning of the word 'clean'. Bloody glad to be out of that one. Didn't do that much in Auckland... lots of bumming around sorting Jessi out. Drove her out to catch her flight :( and drove back down to Taupo the next morning.

And now i'm house sharing and working for a few months. Very little touristy stuff going on at the moment and it'll probably be the same for the next few months so... Go perve on someone else's blog :)

Peace -x-

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