Tuesday 22 February 2011

From Hong Kong to Aotearoa

Haven't checked in for a while so I will try and condense everything that i've been up to in the last few days for you lovely people.

The last day in Hong Kong was quite awesome, we visited a buddhist temple, which I thought was quite odd because it felt a bit like I was forcing myself into their religious ceremonies. Nonetheless was very interesting to see the buddhist prayers and learn about their ceremonies. From there we went over to gardens and the nunnery. Fairly interesting much not that much to comment on. From there it was on to the Jade Market, which was an area with lots of stalls and jewellery. Pretty much an Asian version of Camden. Walked around a bit there and came across the food market, where people were dissecting fish and you could buy anus for your dinner if you felt the need. Then rejoined western culture, went to McDonalds and had a McFlurry. Good times.

From there we went straight to Hong Kong airport and spent a few hours there. Was so much nicer than Heathrow (smoking area and everything!!!). Then got on the flight over to Auckland. Another 10 hours on a plane and I was on the verge of tearing all my hair out. Didn't sleep a wink and got fairly stressed, so it was such a relief to finally land at Auckland Airport, where to everyones dismay, it was overcast. Such an anti-climax to what everyone had hoped to be the start of a great working holiday abroad.

Spent a long time having to go through immigration, then baggage collection, then customs so it was a massive relief to walk through the airport doors and be greated with a wall of warmth. From Auckland airport we were bussed over to Mount Eden, where it chucked it down as soon as we got off the bus (warm rain though, bliss) and then on to Auckland Central Backpackers.

After getting settled in my dorm room I showered and then wandered over to IEP (BUNAC's sister company with free internet, awesome). After that I had an overwhelming urge to go sit on a beach, so wondered down the road with a couple of BUNAC's finest and found the harbour instead of beaches. Decided after that, that a drink sounded like a class idea so got changed and went downstairs to the backpacker bar that ACB (Auckland Central Backpackers) is associated with. Stayed there for a couple, participated in the pub quiz and then decided I was out of it and went to bed.

For some reason I ended up waking at around 7am, so on 8 or so hours of sleep I got up and made lots of noise, probably waking the people in my dorm up. Had a wonderful and peaceful shower and then walked around looking for a supermarket. Spent 85$ on food and essentials which I 'thought I wouldn't need but it turns out I can't live without.' After that headed over to IEP again for orientation.

Orientation was long and boring, and way too much information for 3 hours. After that did the essential stuff like applied for my IRD number, opened a bank account and bought a New Zealand sim card. Then, totally shell-shocked with the amount of information we'd been fed in orientation I went back to my dorm and since we only got two nights free from BUNAC I decided to book another few nights to clear my head and decide where to go next. I ended up being egged-on (thanks Jessi) to spend 190$ on a single room for 4 nights. Although I instantly regretted this, looking back the regret was not worth it as I am currently sitting in said single room and it is so worth what I paid. No window but I have photos for that.

After that I went up to the balcony bar for a couple of drinks but decided I couldn't afford to go out and drink so sat in my room with vodkas and cokes and went to bed. Party party party. And sat on (and broke) my sunglasses. Great. Rang the bank of mum and dad up for money so they got right on it. After that felt so tired that I just fell asleep.

Got up this morning at around 6.50 when I got a text from the bank of mum and dad to let me know that they had wired me some money and the details of how to go and pick it up. Showered, packed my bag ready to check out of my dorm room and have it stored until my single one was ready. Lugged the bag over to IEP for storage and then went back to ACB as I was planning to go on an Auckland tour, but the bus was late so I changed my mind and went over to Mission Bay with Jessi instead. After sitting on the beach for a while we meandered back and I picked up my bank cards, bought a new pair of sunglasses and came back to check in to my room.

The single room is so refreshing after sharing a room for ages (and sleeping on a bunk bed). Took everything out of my bags and spread it around as much as possible and it feels very homely. The only downside being that there is no window. Jessi knocked on my door a bit after that and we went upstairs to the balcony bar for a drink, then got bored and went out.

Jessi had seen a bungee machine round the corner from the hostel so we went to have a look and decided to have a go. So much fun (but only a baby adrenalin rush compared to what I have lined up).

That's about all I really have to report right now. Staying two more nights and then very early on Friday morning i'm off up to the Bay of Islands (7.10am start...). Sweet as bro!

Peace -x-

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